
General Information
for Show Handling Classes

Han­dling classes INDOORS Sep­tem­ber through Decem­ber, and Feb­ru­ary through May.

Every Monday at 7:30 pm (except Holiday Mondays)

Classes are held in Vic­to­ria Parks Com­mu­nity Cen­tre 35 Vic­to­ria Cres­cent, Mono Mills (at the inter­sec­tion of Hwy. 9 and Air­port Road). From Hwy. 9, go south one block just past the lit­tle strip plaza and turn right (west) on Cal­mon Drive. Imme­di­ately turn right again, and the hall is on your left. The dri­ve­way is just behind the solar panels.

$15 per per­son. Each per­son can bring mul­ti­ple dogs if they wish.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact JoAnne Pringle